Aven Colony - Launch Trailer

AvenColonyisacity-buildingstrategyvideogamedevelopedbyMothershipEntertainmentandpublishedbyTeam17.TheBetawasreleasedonSeptember8, ...,BuildanewhomeforhumanityinAvenColony.DiscoverAvenPrime-analienplanetofdeserts,tundras,andwetlandslightyearsfrome...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Aven Colony

Aven Colony is a city-building strategy video game developed by Mothership Entertainment and published by Team17. The Beta was released on September 8, ...

Aven Colony

Build a new home for humanity in Aven Colony. Discover Aven Prime - an alien planet of deserts, tundras, and wetlands light years from earth.

Aven Colony on Steam

評分 3.5 (1,856) Aven Colony puts you in charge of humanity's first extrasolar settlement, where you build and expand your small colonies into massive, sprawling cities.

Aven Colony (PS4) : 電動遊戲

評分 4.3 (81) Aven Colony (PS4) ; 產品尺寸: 19 x 13.5 x 3 厘米; 60 公克 ; 項目型號: SOSM0727 ; 首度推出日: 7 月20, 2017 ; 製造商: Sold Out Sales & Marketing Ltd ; ASIN: B06XT5YKB9 ...

(New) Aven Colony Game for PlayStation 4 PS4

評分 4.8 (6) Build and expand your small colonies into massive, sprawling cities.

Aven Colony Reviews

評分 65% (21) This is a science fiction city building game with a relaxed pace. It's birds-eye view, and mostly involves placing and configuring buildings in a city. You ...

Aven Colony

We're excited to bring the latest free content update for Aven Colony to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One; the Expedition Update!


Aven Colony lets you build and control a sci-fi civilisation on a distant world! Luke and Ellen dig into the first stage of the game on PS4, ...

Aven Colony - Launch Trailer | PS4

https://www.playstation.com/en-us/games/aven-colony-ps4/ Aven Colony is Out Now on PlayStation®4! Dive in to an extensive, ...

Aven Colony - Should you play in 2024?

In this review we show Aven Colony, a strategic city builder with some combat involved. In this alien world, you can build your city, ...


AvenColonyisacity-buildingstrategyvideogamedevelopedbyMothershipEntertainmentandpublishedbyTeam17.TheBetawasreleasedonSeptember8, ...,BuildanewhomeforhumanityinAvenColony.DiscoverAvenPrime-analienplanetofdeserts,tundras,andwetlandslightyearsfromearth.,評分3.5(1,856)AvenColonyputsyouinchargeofhumanity'sfirstextrasolarsettlement,whereyoubuildandexpandyoursmallcoloniesintomassive,sprawlingcities....